Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Record sheet, task 4 (Hammond).

Music magazine (main task & preliminary task of college mag)

Digital technology:
  • Computer
  • Photoshop
  • Internet e.g. google, blogger
  • Camera
  •  Memory stick
  • Tripod
The creativity that i did was by using colours that went well together and setting them out so that you were able to look at the different colours  I was very creative with the title of my main music magazine at AS as the use of the plectrum in the background for the name of the magazine 'PLEC' which showed high creativity. As for the rest of the magazine i played it quite safe as i tried to use forms and conventions of a 'Mojo' magazine as the way that was set out look good and i was able to do that. For my pictures i was creative as i didn't really copy any other images from real media products as i came up with my own ideas. However the front image of my music magazine i did copy a picture of John Mayer as it looked effective and would fit well on a music magazine cover.

Research and planning:
I did not do as much research and planning in AS compared to A2 as i didn't feel i needed to and i just saw bits i liked and then copied them and didn't really look much at what other options there was.

Things that i changed from my school magazine to my music magazine was the use of colours, images, and fonts. This was done through Photoshop and comments from my teachers.

Using conventions from real media products:
I massively used forms and conventions from real media products as i followed how they looked and didn't go out of my comfort zone much of trying something new.

Music video and ancillary texts

Digital technology:
  • Mac
  • Computer
  • Photoshop
  • Windows live movie maker
  • Final cut pro
  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Photography tent
  • Tripod
  • Memory stick
  • Internet e.g. blogger, google, scribd, animoto, prezi, slideshare
I was much more creative with my work in A2 as i knew the programs better and was not scared about trying new things to see if they worked. I went through no end of fonts on my work to see which looked better and moved them around instead of focusing on one place like i did at AS. My creativity of the circle on the back of my digipack i did. I saw an image of a painted circle and then went away and did my own by also trying new images with the paint. All of my images on both the advert and digipack were all my own idea and none of the images were massively copied from a real media product. As for my music video all of that was my own ideas and nothing in the video was copied from a real media product. I did use ideas of real media products but did not copy any of then and also did not copy and storyline as we came up with it our selves by listening to the song and looking at how it would make people feel.

Research and planning:
I did a huge amount of research and planning in A2 as i learnt from my experience in AS that the more research and planning you did that easier it would be to focus on what i wanted and how i was going to go about it.

After my AS year i was able to edit my digipack and advert a lot better and understand what the teachers were saying and relate to ways i could change it.

Using conventions from real media products:
I used a for of forms and conventions of real media products as i wanted my work to look professional but on some parts i stepped out my comfort zone and trusted my judgement of what would look good.

1 comment:

  1. Mae this is really pleasing in terms of your progression - you clearly understand this part of the exam and have confidently evaluated your skill progression (level 3). To secure a level 3, you need to ensure that your deescriptions are more detailed.
