Task one:
All of the conventions used for AS/A2;
Music magazine
Inside and general
- Album reviews
- Live gig reviews
- Up coming album reviews
- Interview with new band
- Competitions to whin prizes
- Tour dates
- tours that are coming up
Front Cover
- Front page
- masthead
- Cover-stories
- pictures
- captions
- Quotes
- Stand out colours and fonts
- Title
- Eyecatching colours and fonts
- Pictures
- page numbers
- information of what on the pages
Double page spread
- Headline
- Picture of new artist covers one page
- Article staring with big first letter
- Pulled out quotes
- Interesting questions
- INterview with new artist
Music Video
- Narrite
- story line
- Good performance
- range of shots
- Animation to give off effect e.g. slow motion
- Lip syncing
- Cuts
- female singer with male band
- Props e.g. guitar, piano
- Costume e.g. black dress, yellow boots
- Location relevant to storyline and lyrics in the song
Ancillary texts- Digipack, Magazine advert
- Name of Album
- Name of band
- Pictures of band
- Track listing
- Credits
- recoding information e.g. Producer, where it was recorded
- Logo
- Bar code
- CD Logo
- Colours
- style to fit
- Unfolds
- sleave
Magazne advert
- Name of the band
- Picture of the band
- Name of the album
- Band website
- Logo
- Song scanner
Task two:
Applying theories to your work in AS/A2
Music magazine
- Logo
- Photo ideas
- Costumes ideas for genre
- colour scheme
Music video
- Costume ideas
- location ideas
- Use of colour in animation
- Use of shots
Ancillary texts
- Logo
- Brand
- Photos
- Layout
- Colours
Task three:
Conventions of real media texts for AS/A2:
Music magazine
Convention 1:
Challenged use of colours as the normal was to go with Black Red and White. I change this to a Maroon Red, Mustard Yellow and Black. This is challenging real media products as not many wuold have a colour scheme like that but i chose it as i thought that it fit in with my genre the most and also the look i was going for.
Convention 2:
I used many conventons from real media products as i was more unsure of the type of things that i needed to do and so by using things from real media products it helped me to make my own product.
Convention 3:
I used the conventions of real media products by using a quesiton for my artist and i used some of the questions avalible so that i could make my questions realistic.
Music video
Convention 1:
I challenged form and convention from real media products by coming up with a different kind of band and story line for the genre of the music that we changed.
Convention 2:
I used convention from real media rpoducts for the style of costume for my band as the genre that we chose. The costume fitted well and also fitted with what we wanted to get across.
Convention 3:
I challenged convention from real media products as i used a storyline to go with the song and challenged the way of how songs are set to a story.
Ancillary texts
Convention 1:
I used convention from real media texts as i was struggling to layout how my advert would look and so looked at layout of real media products and went from there.
Convention 2:
I challenged real media products by have just the lead songer of the band on the front of my digipack where as real media products would have the whole band on the front. However i did this for the advert.
Convention 3:
I used conventions from real media products as i added in important information of who produced the CD and i used this from other digipacks that we have in the class.
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