Originality- I came up with a lot in my AS work as it was all new to me and so the only way i could get things to work was by being more creative with they way i did things.
Imagination- My imagination could have been more creative for AS but as it was all new to me i was unsure of how my i couldlet my imagination go and so did not have to confidence to go far with it.
Inspiration- There were many texts that i got inspired by but it was mainly the internet as i didnt really know how to look at things.
Creativness- I was most creative with the use of text and name of my magazine in AS this is because i wanted to think about the the genre and look at what type of things i could create that could match well with it
Recousfulness- i mainly used the internet and photoshop in AS as that was the most that i new how to use and so i was best with sticking what i knew for my first year.
Ingenuity- I mangaged to invent a lot for my AS and was happy with my results
Vision and innovation- I had a good vision of what i wnated and so i was able to follow it but added in little bits as i wnt along.
Originality- I came up with a lot more different ideas for my A2 work and i was able to be more flexible with my ideas.
Imagination- I was able to imagine things a lot easier for my A2 work as i knew i more cabale to use the programs and so i could think of things more outside the box.
Inspiration- I got a lot of my inspration off of music videos that i like as they helped me to see the type of coulrs and layouts used.
Creativness- I was nuch more creative for all of my A2 work i came out of my comofrt zone and tried new things.
Recousfulness- I used many more resouces such as the internet and tv and other digpakcs to look at as this gave me more inspiratins.
Ingenuity- I invented a lot more different things of how to lay parts out and what type of colours i needed to use.
Vision and innovation- i had a better vision of how i wanted my products to look in my A2 as i knew more how to use the prpgrams.
I have been very creative throughtout AS and A2 as i have been able to come up with ideas and have tried them out. I was more creative in A2 but that was because my confidence was higher and i new i could easily change things back if i did not like them.
There were many things that stopped me from being more creative. An example is that the resouces we had were not as good as our school does not have propper shooting equipment or studios and so it is harder to find other things that wokr as well. Other things that restricted me was the time as i did not have lots of time to keep on thinking up new ideas for everything as i was limited. If i did keep on thinking of new ideas and trying them out i would run out of time and my final peice would not be as good.
I personally liked the idea of having a set of tasks to do as it meant i had something to work on and i was able to make it to the best of my ability. Some things would have been better for me to make my own choice as i could be more creative. I was not pinned down too much by the task as it still allowed me to go out and do my own things and organise myself to the way i wanted to be.
750 word response:
Outline the extent to which you were creative in your AS and A2 coursework tasks.I was creative in boht my AS and A2 courseworktaks i was just creative in different ways for the tasks.
The technology for my AS did not enhance my creativity at all as i had many probleams with it and so it meant that some of creativiness could not be done because the program would mess up. As for ym A2 coursework the technology was much improved and soi was able to create more things as i went along as i could see what had been done and what i could be capable of if i changed my ideas around a little bit. It gave me more options to do things and also inspired me to try other things. When i didn someting wrong on photoshop sometimes it actually looked good and so inspired me to be more creative with the way i used things.
The two theories that supports my view would be "Media producers can learn nothing from studying the conventions of old texts" and "If creativity is not inherent in human mental powers and is, in fact, social and situational, then technological developments may well be linked to advances in the creativity of individual users". The first comment links to my work because i did not learn anything from the old programsi used and i was more beneficail from the new programs i used as i was able to come up with better ideas. The second quote links with my coursework because i was more advanced in the second year in that the developmetns of the technologies helped me a lot and allowed me to be more creative.
The theories that i could challenge are "A project that is too well planned lacks opportunities for spontaneity andcreativity." and "Technology has taken all the creativity out of media production". I challenge the first quote because i think that if i project is planned well it means that it can be done well and people can never stop being creative and so just because they have a well planned schedule does not mean they are not creative as they have had to create that schedule in the first place. I challenge th second point because i think that technology just allows people to be more creative it does not stop them from being creative. It enhances their chances of thinking of new things as technology allows them to do that.
Research abd planning helped a lot with my creativeness in both AS and A2 as it meant i could veiw things that i would never have thought of before but i could then expand them and change them so that there were able to fit into my coursework tasks. In AS research and planning helped me to start off as everything was new and soi didnt really no where i should start from and so it wasnt until after i stared research and planning that i knew what i wanted and so i was able to go from there. As for my A2 th research and planning stepped up and i knew where to go if i wanted to be inspired and also i had to use the planning better because of the task that we were given. Because i used it more it meant that i had more time for me to be creative and so my work is now much more improved because of this.
Another thing that helped with my creativity was the stylist techniques such as msie en scene and camera angles. In my AS this helped as i was able to look at other students work to see how much stuff i could use and that was avalible to me. The camera angles meant that i could be much mroe creative as i knew how to work a camera and knew about all the different types of angle and so all my images used in mu music magazine were creative as i was able to look at the different igages and see what did and what didnt work. The mise en scene meant that i could create things that i could use to make my coursework look better and show off a better image to meet my genre which was the guitar i used to go with the indie acoustic musici chose. For my A2 that camera andgles were essential for my music video as it meant that the more variety i had to choose from the better my video could look and i could also create new things to have goig on within the shots. The mise en scene was also impartant as i needed my band to be protrayed well and so i had to chose my probs and places well so that it all fitted to the msuic the band and the story that i wanted to get across.
Mae you have applied 4 theories quite well and tried hard to tackle the question however I do find this a little confusing to read.
* Spell check and re-read to make sure that everything makes sense and is relevant.
* You should have used the 5 words from the lesson where we reduced 2 paragraphs down to 5 sentences then 5 words - these should have been the main part of your essay.
*More on how your creative skills have progressed from AS to A2 needed.
Low level 2 9/25