A2 coursework
All of my research and planning was completed and i also did a bit extra to make sure i had a clear picture of the type of thing i was going to create.Primary research
Below is a list of the primary research that i did to help with my music video and ancillary texts.
- feedback
- self assessing
- text analysis through student exemplars
- TV
- blog comments
- websites- you tube, google, band sites, NME website
- blogs- I looked at other peers blogs to get ideas of what type of research they were doing and also what type of things they were researching so it could maybe inspire me.
- class notes- looking through what was said in earlier lessons and going back a reviewing what needed doing.
feedback- the pros of feedback is that it can be detailed and it is from people that are thinking around the same lines as you as they are experiencing the same. The cons are that people can be bias towards the work as they may not know the full picture and also may be a bit unrealistic.
Self assessing- Pros of self assessing is that i am able to take a step back and look at my work properly and i can decide myself what does and what doesn't look good. The cons of self assessing is that i may be too critical to myself and may end up changing too many things.
Text analysis- Pros of this is that i can get ideas of others work that has been done before and can view what i can be capable of. The cons are that they could give of bad influence and programs may have changed since their work.
TV- pros of this is that i can get a wide range of ideas off the TV and different media texts can inspire me. Cons of this is that there is such a wide variety i could get things mixed up.
Blog comments- this links back into feedback
AS coursework
Below is a list of primary research that i did to help with my music magazine and film opening:Primary research
- feedback
- self assessing
- blog comments
- text analysis through student exemplars
- websites- google, NME, Mojo, Band sites, Music magazine sites
- Blogs- i looked at blogs from the year before so i could get a rough idea of what i was aiming for.
Advantages and disadvantages of sources
Expense/cost- I learnt a lot about this as i had to realise that being a student i do not have the most money ever and so i have to find different ways of making things look good. An advantage of this is that it enabled me to be much more careful in the way i budget money and that there are other things out there to help me that do not cost as much. Disadvantages of this is that i was hard for me to make my coursework always look as good as it could be because i was deprived of better things.Accessibility- A lot of the research was very easy to find however some sites where blocked from the school which meant it was very hard to research certain things. advantages of this was that it was very quick and easy to get hold of things i wanted and also it gave me lots of new ideas. Disadvantages of this is that it limited me as some images and sites were blocked and so there could have been ideas for me but i was unable to access them.
Time- Research and planning was not time consuming as i managed my own time to do it. Advantages of this is that i was able to look up everything i wanted to and do it quickly because the ideas were already there. Disadvantages of this is that it was limited to time so if i did want to spend a long time on research and planning i wasn't really able to as we had to make our media products soon after we started.
Reliability- This would be when i was to look on google for music magazine and other students work would pop up which would not be reliable. Advantages of this would be that it showed me what i could be capable of and inspire ideas to use before starting my own. Disadvantages of that would be that i only wanted to see the professionals as students work will not be real and so will not be a reliable source for me.
Bias- this is meaning that some of the text that i researched can be bias but i overcame this by doing lots of it so then i had different responses. Advantages of this is that i can see and pick out witch one is subjective and also get a large quantity of sources. Disadvantages of this would be that it will be impossible to take out all of the bias sources because of the limited time and how many of them there could be.
Validity- There was a strong connection between the Mojo music magazine website and my music magazine and also other students exemplars and my ancillary texts. Advantages if this shows that i was able to view something but take it up and do it in my own way but make it look professional. Disadvantages of this is that it means i have stuck to a basic product that i liked and not gone an viewed other things i could have added in.
Usefulness- The research i did was very useful. Advantages of this is that it inspired me and i was able to use the research to help make my products better. Disadvantages would be that i could have been more creative if i did not have any research and planning to go off to help me.
Organisation of research
I learnt a lot about organising and referencing materials and this helped me to be better at my coursework as i had to keep everything organised and make a note of what i was doing. My skills of organisation developed a lot from AS to A2. An example would be with blogger. In AS i had never used it before but because of the organisation and the way the blog was set out it meant that for A2 i was able to do things a lot easier and quicker.Planning- pre-production and requirements
Drafting- We did drafts for both AS and A2 and by doing a draft it helped me to see how something was going to look and what bits needed changing and improving. For AS We did a draft music magazine but as it was my first ever time of completing something like this doing a draft helped me a lot to see how to use the program and what sort of thins needed to be done. For A2 it allowed me to view what my product was going to look like and helped with what i needed to change with my product and look at the layout and see what other things i could change.Gaining audience feedback- I made sure i collected this in time for me to make improvements to my work. I went around and asked people to view my products and also got the teachers to look at them so that i was able to get feedback from them too. I have improved with getting audience feedback from AS and A2 as i know more ways of being able to do it and also am more confident to show my products so i can get more feedback and improve them more.
750 word essay
Detail your understanding of the importance of good research and planning skills developed throughout the pre-production of your AS and A2 coursework.My understand of the importance of research and planning and risen from AS to A2 and i have also gained more of an understanding to why it is so important and how it helps me. Research and planning skills need to be improved as the better i became at it the research and planning the better me products became.
In AS i knew that it was important to research and plan but i couldn't really understand why there needed to be so much done. This was because i was unsure of what was the best kind of thing to be looking for and how the best way was to go about it. As i did more and more i could see how it was helping me and in the end i stared finding a pattern of things that i wanted and what type of things i wanted to look for. As for planning this was very helpful in my AS as it allowed me to see what needed doing when and i was able to go through it how i wanted and i could tick off what needed doing and so it helped me manage my time with what i did when with my AS coursework. I only really used the Internet for my research in AS as i didn't really know how to link other things in properly as my imagination could not go that far. My planning got a bit messy at times but overall i managed to keep it together. I was able to create a few tings but it seemed that once i had thought of one idea i seemed quite reluctant to changing anything which meant i couldn't plan ahead until i became happy with something.
For my A2 work my skills in research and planning had improved vastly. This is because i was more used to using technology and i had experience of it before. I was able to know the best site to go on for the best things and because i knew about more media sites it meant i didn't waste time looking for other things. I am more skillful with my researching skills as i know more what i need to be looking for and also my knowledge is better and so i found it easier to start with something. Also i was able to look at things other than the Internet for example the TV and shopping sites. Even if i saw a top i liked i was able to pick out the colours or style and then link it back to how i wanted my band members to be. Therefore my skills have improved as i am aware of things all the time that could help with my coursework. As for my planning i was much more organised especially with my music video as in AS we did the busted video and this helped me to know how to structure a plan properly. This then meant in A2 me and Laura were able to produce a plan quickly but with detail so that when i came to doing our video we were well planned out and so this meant it saved time with how we were going to do things. My planning also improved with my timing of when i would do things as well as planning what i was going to do. The way i got better at planning things i was going to do was my creating a mind map of ideas and then looking through them and also setting my work out and looking at it and then re planning in it a few ways so i gave myself some choice of what i was going to do. As for planing the timings of when i was going to do things it harder in A2. This is because we need more people to come together but everyone lived in different places and some people worked and so me and Laura had to plan carefully when we were going to do certain things. Therefore from this my skills have improved a lot as i had to work hard to plan and organise everything for the coursework. I know for sure i would not have been as good at it in AS so that shows i have improved. But because of how i was broken into it steadily it didn't seem too hard and i was able to deal with it easily. I mainly took charge in how we were planning to do things for the music video as i seemed good at it and also also the places we needed to do shots were around were i live and so it was easier for me to do it.
Overall i would say that my research and planning skills have improved over both years and i have just got better with handling how i do things with my work.
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